As controversy about football and higher education administration explodes in Pennsylvania, Chancellor Michael Martin reflected Thursday on his friend and former colleague Graham Spanier’s predicament.
Spanier was fired from his position as Penn State president Wednesday night after it was revealed that he allegedly knew former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was sexually abusing young boys. This also led to the termination of longtime Penn State head football coach, Joe Paterno.
Martin said he’s known Spanier for 25 years. They met at Oregon State University, where Martin served as Faculty Senate president while Spanier was the provost.
“I think he’s deeply hurt for two reasons,” Martin said. “One, he had a stellar career going, and two, there’s been real harm done to a university that he loves. And that may be the bigger pain.”
Martin reminisced on playing racquetball with Spanier three days a week, a fun and competitive time because they were equally lacking in talent, Martin said.
Martin said he and Spanier shared many interests and still exchange e-mails about higher education and athletics programs.
Contact Andrea Gallo at [email protected]