After reading Mr. Young’s opinion in Monday’s campus forum, I have two issues with his letter. First, it appears that Mr. Young is unaware of the actual contest entry guidelines for Family of the Year. Entrants into the contest were to write an essay describing why their family is a great N.C. State family. Only 27 students chose to enter this contest. I was not selected from the student body based on my father’s status as a professor at N.C. State, nor did my father help me in any way with the creation of the essay itself, which brings me to my second issue with his letter. I’m assuming from Mr. Young’s complaints about the policy of the contest that he did not even take the time to read my essay. Had he done so before quickly forming his opinion about my family and myself, he would have discovered the real reason my family was chosen for Family of the Year. My essay details the hardships my family and I have endured over the past two years and how I have learned from them and grown to be a true member of the Wolfpack. The Family of the Year contest is a wonderful way to honor N.C. State families, and I encourage all students to enter next year. Anyone who belittles the achievements of a hardworking N.C. State student does not deserve to call himself or herself a member of the Wolfpack.
Letter to the Editor: Family of the Year
November 14, 2011
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