Unfortunately, it seems when today’s Americans think of terrorism, images of foreigners – Middle Eastern or otherwise – come to mind. While this may be part of the scars our country still bears from 9/11, it is nonetheless misguided.
The recent arrest of four men from Georgia is a perfect example of this.
After seven months of surveillance, federal investigators finally had sufficient evidence to arrest these men for conspiring to attack government officials with both explosives and biological agents. Beyond being domestic terrorists, what makes these men even more special is their age. None of them were younger than 65, with the oldest of the group aged 73.
That certainly doesn’t fit the young-to-middle-aged Islamic terrorists whom we have been told to fear. If these men did not subscribe to the beliefs that terrorists are supposed to have, then what, exactly, was their goal?
According to these militiamen, their aim was simply to protect the Constitution, and in their words, to do so meant “some people gotta
Failure of Diplomacy: Militia plots show domestic terrorists on a misguided crusade
November 5, 2011