Zachary Davis may be a history junior, but I think he missed a few classes, so I’d like to clear a few things up.
First, Timothy McVeigh’s bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City had little to do with a fear that the Second Amendment was in danger. The bombing was in response to the federal government’s overreaction and mishandling of the incident at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and the siege of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. In fact, the bombing in Oklahoma City was exactly two years to the day after the fiery end of David Koresh and his followers. McVeigh felt his actions were justified because of the abuses — perceived or real — of the federal government.
Secondly, regarding the Constitution, the anti-Federalists originally wanted 12 items included in the Constitution that gave more rights to the people. The Federalists resisted because they didn’t want to make statements about the role of government and individual rights.
Lastly — and the part that is personally insulting — is Davis’ comment that “any ideas about defending the Constitution as it is simply don’t seem very domestic.” We don’t feel we are unreasonable. And yes, I do believe we have to strictly follow the Constitution for the rest of our existence.
Raymond Andrews
Retired U.S. Army veteran, 2009 Thomas Edison State College history graduate, current LSU conservative biology major
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Letter to the Editor: Constitution requires strict adherence
November 8, 2011