A second woman has come forward with more allegations of abuse against LSU School of Veterinary Medicine employee Marc Boudreaux following a restraining order filed against him on Monday citing sexual harassment and abuse toward a graduate student.
Stacy Parker, a former student worker at the Vet School, told The Daily Reveille on Tuesday that Boudreaux would sexually harass her in his office and other places in the Vet School building to the extent that she quit her job.
Boudreaux did not respond to a request for comment as of Wednesday.
Parker, 35, said her case was similar to Elizabeth Lum’s, the graduate student who filed the restraining order against Boudreaux. He has been on paid administrative leave since, and the length of his leave is still pending, said Ginger Guttner, Vet School public relations director.
In the restraining order, Lum said Boudreaux abused his power as assistant director of the Vet School’s Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine Lab by constantly threatening Lum’s job if she did not comply with his demands. Lum said Boudreaux forced her to live with him and another woman, requiring her to engage in sexual activity, among other forms of abuse.
Lum and Parker have never worked together or met, Parker said.
Parker said she befriended Boudreaux in 2006 as a co-worker, and the two frequently talked and spent time together.
“We would talk on the phone, text, have meals together — the typical things you do before dating,” she said.
But before they began a relationship, Parker said she learned Boudreaux had a girlfriend and cut off communication with him.
Parker said sexual harassment began soon after. Boudreaux would frequently call her into his office, close the door and expose himself to her, requesting she do the same, she said.
She said Boudreaux would also touch himself and make lewd gestures when other colleagues weren’t looking.
Parker quit in April 2007 after Boudreaux’s advances became overwhelming, she said.
But Parker said she did not file a complaint about the harassment until later that year, when a younger female friend working at the Vet School claimed Boudreaux was also harassing her.
Parker said she went to the University’s Human Resources Management department in 2007 and filed a claim, divulging the entirety of the harassment she experienced.
She said she did not hear of any development for weeks until she received a letter saying the case was dropped. She said the letter stated Boudreaux denied the allegations, putting the blame on her.
But Parker said she never entered a dating relationship with Boudreaux and sexual relations never became consensual.
A current Vet School employee who requested to remain anonymous said the complaints filed by Parker and Lum have not been isolated incidents.
Boudreaux has harassed multiple young women and has threatened the jobs of many who he oversees, the employee said. The employee said several complaints have been filed with HRM to no avail.
“I went to HRM, and I told them, ‘If you won’t protect the people who work here, at least protect the students,'” the employee said. “They have done
Further allegations against Vet School employee emerge
October 18, 2011