After witnessing a stellar 9-4 season last year, many members of the Wolfpack faithful were expecting a season where the team would finally be in a position to challenge for top honors as well as the ACC championship, and be ranked higher than the previous year. But it’s not meant to be. Having started the year full of uncertainty concerning the decision as to who would get the quarterback position, fans have gone through a lot of emotional turmoil and heartbreak. And finally, when they were coming to terms with the changes, the Wolfpack decided to self-destruct. Five games into a season that promised so much, the Pack are already 2-3 with a 0-2 record in the ACC, with both their wins coming only against FCS schools. It’s that time when everybody starts pointing fingers, and passionate fans start to get disgruntled with the way the team performs. It has reached a point where student tickets, which are usually so hard to get, are freely distributed by various groups on Facebook, showing the extent to which the fans have lost faith in the team. Matthew Daniels, a junior in biological and agricultural engineering, admitted he had very high expectations for the team before the start of the season. “I expected Russell Wilson to come back and this was supposed to be his last year… this was supposed to be our break out season,” Daniels said. “We were supposed to peak this hopeful.” Jude Jackson, a sophomore in psychology, admitted that he started feeling very indifferent about the whole situation after the loss to Georgia Tech on Saturday. “My first and only reaction was resignation,” Jackson said. “No need to get worked up over a bad
Students lack faith in football season
October 3, 2011