Laughing, cheering and excited phone calls of “You’ve got to see this!” on Monday surrounded a newly delivered Coca-Cola vending machine across from McDonald’s on the first floor of the Student Union. Students who lined up to purchase a Coke product were rewarded with a complimentary surprise.
After a dollar was inserted into the machine, a black-gloved hand would reach out of the vending area and offer prizes ranging from oversized sunglasses to a whole pineapple as part of Coca-Cola’s “Open Happiness” campaign.
Nursing freshman Jonathan Holliday said he had never seen anything like this before and walked away with a koozie and Ring Pop in hand.
Graphic design sophomore Asante “Tiger” Hooker described the experience by saying, “You get a little something extra every
Coca-Cola serves students with unexpected freebies
October 24, 2011

Monday morning on the first floor of the Union, a hand reaches out of a “magic coke machine” to present a student not only with a Coca-Cola, but also an apple pie.