*The names of the victims have been changed in order to protect their identities.
A gay couple was allegedly attacked by employees at Reggie’s Bar in Tigerland on Sept. 23, just one day after the University hosted a forum on hate crimes. The couple said they believe the incident stemmed from prejudice.
On the night of the incident, the couple involved, who has requested to remain anonymous, went to the bar with a group of friends when the night took a downward turn.
Kevin* and his boyfriend Steve* said they were dancing on the stage when Kevin was tapped on the shoulder by someone he suspected to be a Reggie’s employee who told the couple to “take it are.”
She said she believes the actions of the employees were unnecessary.
“I have seen far more worse displays of [affection] and other things in Reggie’s,” Nelson said. “Nobody did anything incident.”
Reggie’s Bar manager Bowdin Atchison said that after investigating the incident and talking to various employees, he developed another side to the story. According to Atchison, there was a floor-walker working the night of the incident who spotted the alleged victim without a wristband. Atchison said everyone present who is able to drink must wear a wristband in order to possess an alcoholic beverage.
“The bar’s floor-walker told him he couldn’t have the drink,” Atchison said. “The guy refused, so the floor-walker tried to grab his drink. This is when the couple grew
Conflicting reports surface about gay assault at Reggie’s
October 11, 2011