Christie Leigh Mueller, author of “Gridiron Belles: A Guide to Saturdays in Dixie,” toured the campuses of the Southeastern Conference over the course of five years to develop her tips on tailgating, gameday wear and understanding football. Mueller’s book targets women to show them how to appreciate and enjoy football.
“It’s not a book so that women can pick up men. It’s about enjoying something and being part of a community,” Mueller said.
She shared some tips with The Daily Reveille as she prepared to tailgate for the game against Auburn. • “Get there early. Wear comfortable clothes and always be in team colors. Don’t wear mood.” • “If you don’t like football, make the best of the situation and find something about football that interests you. If you’re a photographer, take photos of the game. … If you’re a great cook, cook for the tailgate. If you’re really into fashion, focus your efforts on a great tailgate down.”
On helping women understand football: • “You get four downs, or four opportunities to move the ball down the field ten yards. I equate that to how many times we’ll try on outfits. We’ll try one, not that great. Try another, still not doing it. Third outfit, not that great. So now we’re fed up, three outfits later. So we’re gonna punt. We’ll throw on a black shirt and jeans that we know fits, and we’re gonna go with SEC.” • “Illegal contact is the illegal use of hands and feet. This name says it all. You rarely see it called in a game, but it is often called in late nights in bars across SEC judgment.”
On LSU football: • “It’s crazy. I loved it. The inner core of me just woke up and came fan.” • “[Compared to other SEC schools,] LSU fans are more excitable and rowdier. But it’s a positive rowdy. I mean, causing earthquakes? That’s traditions.”
Contact Emily Herrington at [email protected]
‘Gridiron Belles’ author explains football to women
October 24, 2011