The LSU Faculty Senate passed two resolutions and elected a new member to its Executive Committee at its monthly meeting Monday, while the resolution concerning the extension of Thanksgiving Break saw further delay.
Faculty Senate Resolution 11-03, “The Thanksgiving Break Schedule,” was delayed for the second meeting in a row. The resolution was originally intended to face a vote at the Faculty Senate’s September meeting and has been designated to be discussed and voted on in November.
The resolution, sponsored by Joshua Detre, agricultural economics and agribusiness assistant professor, seeks to make the Thanksgiving holiday a week long. Fall semester would start on a Thursday, several days earlier than the current Monday start date, to compensate for instruction days lost to the extended break.
Faculty Senate President Kevin Cope attributed the delay to several reasons.
“The resolution sponsor was not here to provide expertise on the matter and there has been a delay from food services, residence halls, and other factions involved in the start date of the semester,” Cope said.
Faculty Senate Resolution 11-16, “Advertising within Academic Buildings,” sponsored by communications studies assistant professor Graham Bodie, was unanimously approved at the meeting.
According to the resolution, it will “purge academic buildings of vending machines whose special effects, messages or media devices permeate the student environment with distracting or assertively non-academic
Thanksgiving holiday extension vote delayed
October 2, 2011