Recently, scientists announced that by 2050, the world’s population will be approaching 9 billion people.
The majority of the population growth is expected to be in Third World areas such as Africa and Asia. The question is, how will the world accommodate all these new mouths?
We as humans are far too close to becoming the greatest parasites this planet has ever seen. We are too smart to be the death of this planet.
To feed all those mouths, “we will need to produce as much food in the next 40 years as we have in the last 8,000,” said Jason Clay of the World Wildlife Fund.
“By 2050 we will not have a planet left that is recognizable” if current trends continue, Clay said to Yahoo News.
The simple fact is, people are going to starve to death. Only about a third of the world’s land designated for agriculture is actually able to be used to grow food. Earth does not have enough land to support this rise in population.
Well, to avoid having wars over water and continue having wars over oil, we need to prevent the population from ever reaching 9 billion people. How do we go about doing this? By promoting abstinence? No, because no matter how much God, Allah or Tom Cruise don’t want people to have sex, people still do the nasty.
India has recently offered free cars, motorcycles and even blenders to its residents who voluntarily sterilize themselves. India’s population is expected to pass up China’s in the next few decades.
This just seems silly to me. Would you really let some Indian doctor snip away your manhood for a blender? Talk about a conversation piece. What’d that thing cost you? Oh not much, just a few rupees and my balls.
So what’s the answer? To put it simply, condoms. Birth control pills are too expensive, and the majority of people forget to take them. Hysterectomies are far too costly to perform for every woman on the planet, and pulling out never really works. There is abortion, but that’s just too controversial.
Condoms are the answer to the world’s problem. They are cheap — much cheaper than Plan B and much cheaper than another mouth to feed.
What the UN should do is flood the Third World with condoms. Have airdrops of Trojans along with the grain. Litter the streets with Durex, still in their packages of course. Nobody wants to pop on a used johnny, unless that’s some sort of fetish I’m not aware of.
Condoms would cut down on the transmission of HIV/AIDS, other STD’s and another mouth to feed.
The poorest countries in the world have the highest birth rates. It’s been that way for a long time. But unless the gentlemen of the world start popping a rain coat on old Mr. Stiff, then my grandson will be punching me in the face to get at my government sanctioned grain rations for the week.
To prevent birth, cover your girth.
Parker Cramer is a 20-year-old animal sciences major from Houston. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_pcramer.
Contact Parker Cramer at [email protected]
Condoms the only answer to the world’s growing problem
July 6, 2011