Last week, gay marriage became legal in New York, a decision long overdue in a state so traditionally blue.
Immediately, homosexual couples wasted no time to tie the knot. It was a beautiful day.
The day after gay marriage became legal, a political group called New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms filed a lawsuit to overturn the gay marriage law, claiming it violated proper Senate proceedings. The organization was founded by a group of pastors, as if we didn’t see that coming.
“Constitutional liberties were violated. Today we are asking the court to intervene in its rightful role as the check and balance on an out-of-control State Legislature,” Rev. Jason J. McGuire, Executive Director of NYCF told International Business Times.
Well Rev. Jason, the constitutional liberties of these gay couples have been continuously violated in the state until last Sunday. These individuals who are no different other than their sexual orientation have been denied the right to marry the person they choose.
Let me ask you this Rev. Jason, is it really going to affect you that much if homosexuals are allowed to marry? What will change? Will they live together? They already do that. Will they have sex? They already do that. Will they kiss in front of you and your children, potentially scarring you so badly that you are unable to properly shag you wife in undoubtedly the most boring session of love making that has ever occurred?
They already do that.
The only difference is the rings. The world hasn’t blown up, and Skittles are still the only way that most conservatives will ever taste the rainbow.
Let it happen. Nobody wants to be told they can’t marry the person they love.
So Rev. Jason, let me remind you that we were all made in the image of God. Every singe one of us, even Snooki.
Which only tells me on thing — if some people are born gay, which I believe they are, God must be a little bi-curious.
If you think I should burn in hell for saying that, remember God has a sense of humor. Just look at Sarah Jessica Parker.
This is America, the land where movie stars get elected president and mentally unstable women from rural Alaska become political authorities overnight. So why not? Let people marry whom they want to marry, let them love who they want to love, let them divorce who they want to divorce.
Two people in love will forever fight to be with each other.
Parker Cramer is a 20-year-old animal sciences junior from Houston. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_pcramer.
Contact Parker Cramer at [email protected]
Scum of the Girth: New York legalizes gay marriage; it’s about damn time
July 28, 2011