When our brothers across the globe got fed up with their oppressed lifestyle, they initiated what may be the single most important event of our time — the Arab Spring.
Inspired by their courage, American protestors headed to New York to let Wall Street know how they felt about our economy.
They weren’t overly optimistic.
Led by Kalle Lasn, editor-in-chief of the activist magazine Adbuster, Occupy Wall Street began Saturday and has been continuing since.
We’re approaching the better part of a week now, and I’m still enjoying live feeds of the action from websites like LiveStream.
Like many grassroots political movements, the group seems loosely organized at best, bound together only by the website OccupyWallSt.org and a hatred for all that is Wall Street.
And I understand. It’s hard not to grab a torch and pitchfork when corporate CEOs rake in more money than Jesus himself — and there’s money in churches, believe me.
Numerous videos can be found scattered online, and while it’s impossible to verify her story, one YouTube video features an interview with a particularly charming young black woman. She explains that, even with a full-time job and a master’s degree, it’s still difficult to afford health insurance. Many others agreed.
Interestingly, the infamous Internet hacking group Anonymous supported the protest, while demonstrators have shown up wearing the all-too-cool Guy Fawkes mask, made popular by the 2006 movie “V for Vendetta,” though it’s now synonymous with the online group.
The larger-than-life CEOs didn’t seem to care all that much, but a myriad of police — presumably with no other crime in the city to handle — headed to a peaceful protest to keep things safe for everyone.
Realistically, officers must be present to ensure everyone’s safety and make sure no one gets overly passionate and decides to make the all-too-easy slip from a peaceful protest to, “I’ll show ‘em how it feels!”
Fortunately, it’s been all daisies and rose petals, according to one anonymous NYPD officer, who explained to Business Insider, “If you find the protest, let us know, because we haven’t heard a thing about it since we got capitalism.” She continued, “We’re hoping it’s something specific and doable, like asking Obama to set up a committee to look into the fall of U.S. banking. Nothing extreme about
The Bottom Line: Operation ‘Occupy Wall Street’ will fail
September 20, 2011