Grade: D+
Cobra Starship’s latest album, “Night Shades,” is even more of a “Hot Mess” than the band’s previous album. “Night Shades” is a slew of unoriginal electro-pop party jams. Auto-tune is heavy and techno beats are rampant on the 10 tracks. The unique sound of previous albums that garnered Cobra Starship’s fanbase is simply lacking this time around. However, where “Night Shades” lags in originality, it picks up some of the slack in variety. Though the majority of songs seem appropriate for a “Jersey Shore” soundtrack, songs like “Fool Like Me” and “Middle Finger” have different feels. “Fool Like Me” has an upbeat, classic sound reminiscent of Cee Lo Green’s “Forget
“Night Shades”
September 8, 2011