As the end of the week approaches, students may find there’s no better way to unwind than kicking back and enjoying live music.
Local musicians perform at Perkins Rowe’s free, outdoor concert series, Rock ‘N’ Rowe, on Thursdays from 6 to 9 p.m., through Nov. 10.
Paula Biggs, marketing manager for Perkins Rowe, said the event started last March, and it was so successful and well received by the community that it continued this year.
Biggs said Rock ‘N’ Rowe is a great family event, and some families will bring blankets and chairs and spread out in the Town Square Park to listen. Date Band September 22 Kirk Holder September 29 After 8 October 6 The Carbon Copy Band October 13 Rewind October 20 Time Warp October 27 Floyd Brown November 3 Justin McCain Project November 10 Chase Tyler Band
Since the concert series is held outdoors, Biggs said dates for the concerts are selected to correspond with the weather.
In terms of boosting business in the area, Biggs said anything that brings people to Perkins Rowe is beneficial to retailers on the property. She said some bands attract people who have never been to the property before.
“Perkins Rowe is a fun place to be,” Biggs said, “There’s a lot of energy
Concert series features local musicians
September 22, 2011