Grade: B-
Adorkable. That’s the word iTunes uses to describe the sitcom “New Girl,” which is being offered for free download almost two weeks before the show’s scheduled premiere Sept. 20. And adorkable it is. As a recently dumped young woman who moves in with a group of men she met on Craigslist, Zooey Deschanel fits the made-up word to a “T,” right down to her smart-guy glasses and random dubstep moves. Her three male co-stars, however, don’t exactly fit the bill. Maybe it’s because their backstories aren’t completely thought out or maybe it’s because Deschanel is such a shining light, but either way, it leaves the audience wanting more. Let’s hope that changes once the show actually gets into full swing later this month.
Contact Rachel Warren at [email protected]
Editor’s Pick: “New Girl”
September 8, 2011