Fox News Channel wears many hats.
For conservatives, it offers a slew of information keeping people up-to-date on the latest news around the world.
For liberals, it brings comedic relief, allowing them to laugh at the “unbiased” reports of the channel before retreating back to CNN.
Even as a conservative, I couldn’t care less about Fox News — except when they ignorantly attack something near and dear to my heart.
Video games.
Every time a somewhat controversial new game is released, Fox News is there blindly swinging its fists, with reporters having no idea what they’re talking about.
The most recent attack came last week, when a segment hosted by Clayton Morris claimed video games are promoting a “liberal “Sim City” game.
However, Morris and online radio host T.J. McCormack didn’t like the game having players find alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar, to power their cities.
By “forcing” players to choose these alternative types of energy, McCormack claims games are being used as tools of the “green police” by penalizing players for not choosing these alternative energy solutions.
“At the end of the day, parents don’t really know what’s in these video games, so they send [their kids] to play ‘Sim City,’ and they’re learning these lessons that might not be something the parents want their kids to learn,” Morris said.
It sounds like blame should fall on a parent’s incompetence at raising children, not on how the developers created the video game.
If a game is overtly violent or sexual, then it will receive a “Mature” rating by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board, meaning it contains content not suitable for children 17 years old and under.
Back in February, Fox News called over-the-top shooter “Bulletstorm” the worst video game in history and warned that “parents had better
Press X to Not Die: Fox News should keep mouth shut about video games
By Adam Arinder
September 12, 2011