This Saturday won’t be Northwestern State University coach Bradley Dale Peveto’s first night under the lights in Tiger Stadium, but it will be his first as head coach on the visitors’ sideline.
Peveto, a Texas native and former defensive back at Southern Methodist University, took the job as NSU’s head coach in December 2008. He previously spent four years as an assistant coach at LSU under coach Les Miles.
“LSU is a place that is dear to my heart,” Peveto said. “I was very lucky and fortunate to spend four wonderful years there and be under the leadership of coach Les football.”
Based on comments from Peveto, the respect is mutual.
“So much of what I learned under coach Miles I carried with me to Northwestern State,” Peveto said. “About 99 percent of what we do here, in so many different aspects of our program, are things I learned from Coach me.”
Elqutub and Case have been at NSU longer than Peveto. But things have changed for the better in Natchitoches since Peveto’s arrival, they said.
“Everything is first class now,” Case said.
Elqutub said one of the biggest changes has been long term goals for the program, with more of a focus on academics and the player’s personal lives.
While Peveto was described by his players as thorough and caring of his team, Elqutub and Case also emphasized Peveto’s passion for the game and having things done the right way.
“He’s a fiery guy that always has a spark to him,” Case said. “He’s always getting into something, always full speed opportunity.”
Contact Scott Branson at [email protected]
Former LSU coach leads NSU into Tiger Stadium
September 7, 2011