Earlier this month social media site Twitter and tech powerhouse Apple teamed up to make tweeting easier for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users.
Apple owners will now be able to tweet directly from the camera, photo, map, YouTube and Safari apps.
Twitter rival Facebook — partially owned by Microsoft — is not predicted to produce similar features on the iPhone.
Twitter has increased in popularity recently with an estimated 300,000 new users accessing the site each day.
But as of January 2011 Facebook had 600 million users, 400 million more users than Twitter had in March.
According to Digital Buzz Blog there are 206.2 million Internet users in the U.S. — that means 71.2 percent of the nation’s web audience is on Facebook. One in every 13 people on Earth has a Facebook. Half of them get on each day. Forty-eight percent of 18-34 year olds check Facebook first thing in the morning — 28 percent check Facebook on their smart phones before getting out of bed.
430,406 Facebook users like LSU’s page, while @LSU on Twitter has only 4,105 followers.
LSU students fit with the nation’s pattern.
Facebook still dominates, though Twitter is gaining followers.
Molly McGehee, psychology sophomore, uses both Facebook and Twitter but says she visits Facebook more frequently.
“There are more things to do on Facebook. I use it more for pictures, and I like being able to see everyone’s activity all in one place, like the news feed,” she said. “You can also put more on Facebook, like full photo albums.”
Timmy Dasinger also uses both media outlets but prefers Twitter.
“Twitter allows a person to really stay in touch with the world. You can keep up with not only friends, but also news and celebs,” said the kinesiology junior.
Mechanical engineering junior Chris Mericas also prefers Twitter but sees Facebook is more widely used among college students.
“Facebook is more effective at allowing me to keep in touch with friends … but I like Twitter more because it feels less formal and visible,” he said.
Bianca Moore isn’t a tweeter but predicted the website would become more popular on campus.
“I’m not on Twitter, but I love it. … First it was Tagged, then Myspace, then Facebook and now Twitter. I think Twitter is going to be the new thing,” said the theatre junior.
Alyssa Forbes, computer science junior, prefers Twitter because it is a relaxed environment.
“Twitter is less involved. You can say something and people don’t have to like it,” she said. “Popularity — I think it depends on who you are talking to. A lot of people say Facebook is dead but others think it is still king. … Twitter’s popularity is rising, and I think they are getting close to even.”
Others denounce Twitter.
“I can proudly say that I do not have a Twitter, but I do use Facebook,” said sports management junior Marques Kibodaux. “Twitter is basically pointless.”
General studies senior Claire Garrett said when it comes down to the figures, Facebook wins.
“At LSU everyone uses Facebook,” she said.
Contact Laura Furr at [email protected]
Facebook, Twitter war for users
June 22, 2011