Only one thing can fix police brutality in Louisiana: Alligator Man, a state-funded superhero. Where would we let him keep watch? New Orleans of course!
Police brutality and corruption are especially rampant in New Orleans. While criminals take the brunt of the force, sometimes innocent people are tageted, and the only way to beat up anyone acceptably is via superhero.
People around the country idolize superheroes for beating up criminals but criticize police for using force on criminals. The simple fix and perfect compromise is just to have a superhero watch over cities with high crime rates. With state and city funding, we can launch the program and select the right candidates.
Someone with special forces and martial arts training can fill the position for Alligator Man to achieve optimal beating to near death. He would have to use non lethal weapons though, so criminals can find their way to the life of luxury in prison.
Alligator Man can use the power of the NSA to track down and deliver justice to violent criminals sending evil text messages. He might need another 3,000 people to help search for potential criminals, but fanboys can easily fill those positions.
The New Orleans Police Department can assist with criminal tracking as well, since crime rates should drop. The cost will be high for the superhero program, so a wide variety of income taxes in New Orleans and Louisiana is necessary.
We can implement a superhero tax on all comic books, movies and tv shows so the fanboys help pay for their hero. Additionally, people that usually use their money to bribe elected officials can use their money for better use or else risk getting beat to near death.
Every superhero has a super villain, so we might see someone like the Joker wreaking havoc in New Orleans. But, we’ll have a more socially-favorable way of terrorizing criminals and filling up the Louisiana prisons. If the program is successfully implemented in Louisiana, the idea will spread across the nation.
With enough success, we wouldn’t need city cops anywhere in the country, and everyone could rely on an allegiance of alligator-human hybrid species. Eventually, they can even unionize in order to reduce their performance and increase the casualties.
The benefits are worth the risks. Let’s make sure brutality goes above city police standards and fill all the prisons in Louisiana to the brim! Alligator Man can make it happen!
Garrett Marcel is a 22-year-old petroleum engineering senior from Houma, Louisiana.
SATIRE: Alligator Man fixes police brutality in New Orleans
February 25, 2016
An Alligator opens its mouth Aug. 22, 2013 at LSU’s Alligator Research Station.
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