I had the pleasure of catching Wavves and Best Coast on their second U.S. joint tour. They played New Orleans’ Joy Theater on Canal Street, a converted movie theater built back in the 1940s. The venue was just small enough for an intimate performance with optional balcony seating for the more chill fans.
I arrived at about 8:30, just after the opening act, Cherry Glazerr, took the stage. I honestly think I was more impressed with this band than either of the headliners. The group’s only album, Haxel Princess, is riddled with punk influence and what critics have called “metal-pop.” They also recently released two singles, “Had Ten Dollaz” and “Nurse Ratched”, both of which are phenomenal. Cherry Glazerr is a four piece band with “eclectic” written all over it. The lead singer appeared in a dark one-piece jump suit with a retro Fender. The keyboardist, also female, stood mostly motionless in a over-sized pinstripe coat. The bass player strutted around in a beret, and the drummer wore huge eyeglasses fit for an old man. In my opinion, they sounded better live than they do on the album, especially on “Trick or Treat Dancefloor”, “Grilled Cheese”, and the ever so punk “White Is Not My Color This Evening”.
Best Coast came on next – two guitars, sometimes three when lead singer Bethany Cosentino strapped on her Stratocaster, a bass player and a drummer. I was impressed by Bobb Bruno on lead guitar. He’s half the creative mind that is Best Coast. The group shined their brightest on the title track from their new album, California Nights. The medley of heavily sustained guitars and a mid-tempo beat reminded me of more of late Red Hot Chili Peppers than their usual, beach/indie rock style. Also, Cosentino has some pretty good pipes.
The energy in the room did not really transform until Wavves came on, however. Those who were bobbing their heads for the two previous acts immediatley switched to head banging. Wavves’ first song launched a mosh pit on the floor, and I saw at least six people crowd surfing. For the first half of the set, I watched from above as fans jumped, pushed, and whipped their hair to fuzzy guitar riffs and Wavves’ “Who cares?” attitude. I soon gave in to my temptations and went to join the mosh pit downstairs. Mostly because, in the middle of the set, frontman Nathan Williams paused. “I have a little Valentine’s present for you guys,” he said. He exited stage left and returned with a bunch of balloons and inflatable aliens, and the crowd freaked. Wavves played most of his new album, V, as well as some older hits, including “Nine Is God,” which was featured on the Grand Theft Auto V soundtrack.
Final Show Rating: 82 out of 100 headbangs
Show Review: Wavves & Best Coast at Joy Theater
By Summer Is Forever II Tour
Joy Theater – New Orleans, LA –
February 13, 2016
February 16, 2016