Here is the playlist for the Feb. 10th Magical Mystery Tour on Gabriel Kahane. The playlist focuses on Gabriel’s newest release, the Fiction Issue, and his album, The Ambassador.
Come On All You Ghosts – III. April Snow: The Fiction Issue
The Fiction Issue – Part I (feat. Shara Worden): The Fiction Issue
The Fiction Issue – Part II (feat. Shara Worden): The Fiction Issue
Empire Liquor Mart (9127 S. Figueroa St.): The Ambassador
Ambassador Hotel (3400 Wilshire Blvd): The Ambassador
Villains ( 4616 Dundee Dr.): The Ambassador
IV. Neurotic and Lonely : The Craiglistlieder
Bradbury (304 Broadway): The Ambassador
Bradbury Studies : The Fiction Issue
Slumlord Crocodile (115 E. 3rd St.): The Ambassador
Musso and Frank (6667 Hollywood Blvd) : The Ambassador
Magical Mystery Tour 2016: Gabriel Kahane Playlist Feb. 10th
February 11, 2016