The Birth of a Nation
Nate Parker’s “The Birth of a Nation,” premiered in theaters on Oct. 7. The movie depicts the true story of one of the biggest slave revolts in history, led by the infamous Nat Turner.
Nate Park played the role of Turner as well as wrote, directed and produced the film. Other stars graced the silver screen including Being Mary Jane’s Gabrielle Union and How to Get Away with Murder’s Aja Naomi King.
Set in the late 1800s in Virginia, the film follows Turner’s quests to become one of the most feared men in America at the time.
It shows a young Nat Turner learning to read the bible and using his limited knowledge to become a preacher.
After travelling throughout the state preaching obedience to one’s master, Turner realizes that the bible doesn’t just speak of subordination and obedience of slaves—it speaks of retaliation and liberty.
After a series of unfortunate events including various beatings, killings and rapes of slaves, including the rape and beating of Turner’s wife by white men.
Turner bands together with other slaves and goes on a killing spree.
The rebellion lasted 48 hours and the troop managed to murder up to 60 slave owning families in 1831.
The story of Nat Turner made slaves rejoice and shook southern whites to their core.
They were so afraid of Turner that the US army was dispatched to hunt down and kill him and his men.
This rebellion inspired many other revolutions to come and in turn, sparked a fire that to this day, has yet to burn out.
With the recent incidents involving police brutality towards Black people, specifically the murder of Baton Rouge’s own Alton Sterling, and the verdict of the officer still yet to be announced, this film is a must see for those who may feel discouraged.
It only takes one person to spark a revolution.