For the fifth installment of The Math Lab Special Summer Edition Masterclass, DJ 5/4 takes the focus to Melt Banana, the legendary two-piece noise rock band from Japan. Forming in 1992, Melt Banana has released ten albums, and cycled through varying lineups. Currently, they are Yasuko Onuki on vocals and Ichirou Agata on guitar and effects. Despite only having two members, Melt Banana never fails to deliver a diabolical mix of Japanese noise rock, pop, electronica, and just about everything in between. Almost all of their songs are short, energy packed explosions of electronic mayhem and noisey nonsense. This show is certainly nothing to mess with. Tune in to The Math Lab every Sunday from 7 – 9 PM on 91.1 KLSU.
1) Cracked Plaster Cast
2) Iguana In Trouble
3) Aquatic Bee
4) Scissor Quiz
5) Free the Bee
6) Third Attack
7) Tapir’s Flown Away
8) Bright Splat (Red Point, Black Dot)
9) The Hive
10) Scratch or Stitch
11) Surfin’ USA
12) Lie Lied Lies
13) Shield Your Eyes, a Beast In the Well On Your Hand
14) Schemes of the Tails
15) Then Red Eyed
16) Uncontrollable Urge
17) Sick Zip Everywhere
18) Rough Dogs Have Bumps
19) Moon Flavor
20) Lost In Mirror
21) Circle-Jack (Chase the Magic Words, Lego Lego)
22) Spathic!!
23) Flash Cube, or Eyeball
24) Cub, Not Cube
25) Vertigo Game
26) Zero
27) Infection Detective
The Math Lab Special Summer Edition Math Rock Masterclass: Melt Banana
July 25, 2016