In an age when technology use is nearly unavoidable, adults are finding pastimes that don’t require a phone or computer, such as crossword puzzles, sudoku, books and the latest trend — coloring books.
Adult coloring books are being sold everywhere. From book stores to Walmart there’s a coloring book for nearly anyone. Styles range from “Game of Thrones” and travel to fillable curse words and mandalas. But critics are asking — why coloring books?
Some University students said their main use for coloring books is to reduce stress levels. With anxiety disorders affecting 18 percent of the U.S. population and only about one-third of those living with anxiety receiving treatment, the increasing numbers of adult coloring books is no surprise.
Adult coloring books allow their users, especially those with anxiety, to adjust their focus. Instead of focusing on what is most stressful, they can pick a page out of their book, grab their pencils or markers and focus on completing a form of art, which psychologists say can benefit many anxiety sufferers.
Along with providing a relief for mental disorders, adult coloring books provide an escape from technology. Most University students are expected to use technology throughout their day-to-day lives through Moodle quizzes, online assignments, e-mail updates and Microsoft programs. Social media accounts, games and Netflix could even be considered must-haves in 2016.
However, students are trying to escape technology’s leash and coloring books are their latest getaway. Coloring books allow students to remove themselves from the virtual world and get lost in the world that lies on the pages of their books. No beeping or buzzing, just colors.
Social media is more exhausting now than ever before. Everyone has an opinion to voice, a status to share or a photo they want all of their followers to approve. When I find myself getting overwhelmed by all of social media’s excitement, I put my phone down, find a page in my “Amazing World” adult coloring book and get lost in my own adventure.
Using adult coloring books is less stressful than scanning Netflix to find a binge-worthy TV show or going on Instagram to see if Kylie Jenner released a new Kylie Lip Kit. Adult coloring books help people leave the adult worries behind and bring the carefree mentality of childhood back to life.
The increasing trend of adult coloring books shows how students and adults want less technology stimulation and more classic, physical and engaging activities. Computer, tablet and phone screens are becoming invasive and tiring. Students want to unwind with something that doesn’t require a charger or a ‘LIKE’ and adult coloring books provide just that.
Cynthea Corfah is a 21-year-old mass communication senior from Washington D.C.
OPINION: Adult coloring books are good for stress relief, relaxation
June 29, 2016