The third installment of The Math Lab Special Summer Edition Math Rock Masterclass is a journey through the world of Brian Chippendale and Brian Gibson, aka Lightning Bolt. Chippendale and Gibson joined forces in 1994 and created one of the most prolific noise bands the world has ever seen. Even after almost 20 years of performing and churning out fantastical album after fantastical album, Lightning Bolt still holds their own in the world of experimental and noise rock. DJ 5/4 is here to take you through their completely bonkers discography and show you the wonderful worlds and stories the Lightning Bolt has created. The Math Lab is every Sunday from 7 – 9 PM on 91.1 KLSU.
1) Murk Hike
2) Forcefield
3) 13 Monsters
4) Into the Mist
5) Saint Jacques
6) Wee One’s Parade
7) Dracula Mountain
8) 30,000 Monkeys
9) Assassins
10) Crown of Storms
11) Duel in the Deep
12) On Fire
13) Riff Wraiths
14) Captain Caveman
15) Mega Ghost
16) Birdy
17) Magic Mountain
18) Colossus
19) Sound Guardians
20) The Sublime Freak
21) King Kandy
22) Mythmaster
23) Runaway Train
24) The Metal East
The Math Lab Special Summer Edition Math Rock Masterclass: Lightning Bolt
June 27, 2016