An enthusiastic crowd awaited their chance to see now President-elect Donald Trump face to face following his victory on Nov. 8.
President-elect Donald Trump was back in Baton Rouge again on Dec. 9, but this time it doubled as part of his thank you tour and a chance to stump for Louisiana senate candidate, John Kennedy.
“We need John Kennedy in the senate to help enact our agenda, and we have to do it. Our agenda on behalf of the people,” Trump said.
Despite what many called a divided election, events like this one paint a different picture as candidates like Kennedy enter into a runoff. All around the room, Trump stickers could be seen intermixed with Kennedy buttons as republicans came together to support their party.
“There’s a lot of work that has to be done, obviously,” rally attendee Lisa Payne said.
Others who attended the rally look at this year as a chance to bring new life to the party.
“We’re seeing an enthusiasm that we haven’t seen really since Ronald Reagan,” John Wells said.
Along with lifetime republican supporters, some voters within the crowd were among those who switched parties during this election.
“So, I changed from the Democratic party to the Republican party. All he has to do is have an R by his name, and I’m gonna vote for him because I’m interested in the Supreme Court,” Faye Ensenat said.
Republicans come together for Donald Trump and for the Louisiana Senate Runoff
December 9, 2016
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