Students voted against fee increases for The Daily Reveille and Tiger TV in this spring’s Student Government election, SG Commissioner of Elections Devin Reid announced last night.
Almost 59 percent of the students who voted in the election were against The Daily Reveille’s fee increase, and almost 72 percent voted against Tiger TV’s fee increase.
Jason Tolliver, Election Board adviser, said the difference in students who voted against the two fee increases indicates an “informed electorate.”
“It shows they are not just going in there and hitting a button,” Tolliver said.
Daily Reveille Editor-in-Chief Scott Sternberg said it is difficult for a newspaper to be a political candidate.
“Our coverage was never affected by the fee increase,” Sternberg said. “That says a lot. We could have changed the pages of the Reveille into a propaganda machine. But we didn’t.”
Sternberg said the paper will look into other ways to save money and possibly try for the fee increase again.
The fee increase would have raised The Daily Reveille’s student fee to $6 in the fall and spring and $2.50 in the summer. Students pay $4 in the fall and spring and $1.75 in the summer.
The fee increase would have raised Tiger TV’s student fee to $3.50 in the fall and spring and $1 in the summer. Students pay $2 in the fall and spring and no fee in the summer.
Students vote against media fee increases
April 1, 2005