Hundreds of superheroes in red spandex will be taking charge of the University soon — “The Incredibles” is coming to the Parade Grounds tonight at 9 p.m., as part of the Union Program Council’s biannual drive-in movie.
Popcorn and Coca-Cola products will be available at 8 p.m.
The UPC Pop Culture Committee, which has about 30 members, chose “The Incredibles” because it has nothing excessively offensive and it is generally well liked, said Chris Odinet, political science sophomore and chair of the committee.
“It was a good choice,” said Kayla Albarado, spring tester and student at the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts. “I saw it and it was really good.”
The event is sadly not an actual drive-in, Odinet said.
“It’s kind of like Groovin’ on the Grounds,” Odinet said. “People bring blankets and lawn chairs.”
Spring testers can also go across the parade grounds to Tiger Fair, where they can learn about University clubs and programs, Odinet said.
“I have nothing better to do,” said Robert Viator, spring tester and student at Louisiana School for the Math, Science and the Arts. “Besides, I really want to see it.”
Whether students come out of boredom or interest, the event should have a big turn out, Odinet said.
Between 500 and 600 people usually come to the drive-in event, Odinet said.
“The show happens once every semester,” Odinet said. “It coincides with spring testing so there’s a larger crowd.”
The event is free to the public because of student fees, Odinet said.
In case of rain, the event will be held in the Union Ballroom.
UPC to show ‘Incredibles’ at annual drive-in movie
April 7, 2005