One University group is doubling its charity and doubling its fun with the second tsunami benefit concert of the year.
The International Student Association will give its second “Sounds of Healing” concert at the International Student Center on Saturday, April 30, at 8 p.m.
The International Student Association is a University group that promotes the well being of international students and their relationships with the Baton Rouge community, said Francisco X. Aguilar, forestry doctorate candidate and president of the International Student Association.
The first “Sounds of Healing” concert in February had such success that the concert’s performers, Smithfield Fair, a Baton Rouge based band, offered to play another concert, Aguilar said. Now the International Student Association is planning a long term “Sounds of Healing Concert Series.”
The concert also will feature the music of Sarah Pierce, an Austin-based musician, and Smithfield Fair, said Dudley-Brian Smith of Smithfield Fair.
“The impact of this concert on the relief effort seemed important to us because of the Sri Lankan students at LSU,” Smith said.
Pierce said that at least half of her shows are done for charity.
“It’s the right thing to do,” Pierce said.
Aguilar said the audience at the first show was “thrilled” by the quality of the music and organization.
“All I heard were positive comments and suggestions to do it again,” Aguilar said.
About 120 people from 15 countries helped raise money at the first concert, Aguilar said.
That concert raised more than $4,500 that will be used to build a preschool in the Matara District in southern Sri Lanka, one of the areas affected by the tsunami, he said.
He said the money raised at the second concert will continue to support the preschool, and possibly go towards building another.
“We know the money we raise will improve something,” Smith said. “It will do something for the kids in the next generation.”
The show will be a great evening of acoustic music for a great cause, Smith said.
Music joins everyone universally, no matter its genre, Pierce said.
“That makes our contribution to the fund even more genuine and heartfelt.”
Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students, children and senior citizens
Association to hold second benefit concert
April 28, 2005