The Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity house, on East Fraternity Road, was vandalized Thursday night.
Vandals spray painted profanities and the letters “KA” on the back of the house. LSUPD officers said they don’t think members of the Kappa Alpha Order are connected to the incident.
LSUPD Chief Ricky Adams said it is too early to know who is responsible for the vandalism or to begin making assumptions about motives.
Adams said LSUPD is investigating and talking to people from the area who may have clues or
witnessed the vandalism.
Angela Guillory, Greek Affairs director, said the investigation is being left up to LSUPD and that Greek Affairs will respond to its findings.
Barry Whittington, Alpha Phi Alpha president, said he believes the vandalism was racially motivated because it occurred the night of Harambee.
“It’s a slap in the face to all black people at this school,” Whittington said.
Darrel Celestin, Alpha Phi Alpha house director, said the vandalism took place while most of the fraternity members were at Harambee, a program to unite black students.
Celestin said white men in a car fled from the house after Alpha Phi Alpha members returned.
Contact Ginger Gibson at [email protected]
Alpha Phi Alpha house vandalized
October 24, 2005