The temporary hospital in the Pete Maravich Assembly Center is closed.
Patient flow began decreasing Monday, University officials said, and the PMAC facility shut-down process began Wednesday night. By 6:20 p.m. on Thursday, there were no patients in the PMAC.
The medical facility in the Carl Maddox Field House is still open and had 62 patients as of 2 p.m. on Thursday.
The field house hospital facility will stay open “for days, potentially weeks, to admit patients in other hospitals and facilities,” Chancellor Sean O’Keefe said Thursday.
But the influx of patients has not stopped completely.
“Three busloads of folks presented themselves last night,” O’Keefe said.
He said the field house will continue to accommodate the relief effort for hurricane evacuees “until the very last person leaves.”
An estimated 15,000 patients had been triaged — grouped according to medical need — as of 3 p.m. Wednesday at the PMAC.
Rescue workers admitted and treated 6,000 of them at either the PMAC or field house. The remaining 9,000, who did not need immediate medical care, were either taken to other shelters or picked up by family and friends.
On Aug. 29, the same day Hurricane Katrina stuck the New Orleans area, the PMAC became the largest acute care emergency facility in the state, equipped to provide medical and surgical care for seriously ill or injured patients.
Contact Chris Day at [email protected]
PMAC ‘hospital’ officially closed
September 9, 2005