Book sale offers readers bargains
The Friends of the Libraries association wants to help students find treasured books for next to nothing.
The Friends’ Text Book Room will host a half-price sale this week featuring text books on anything from anthropology to zoology.
The sale also will include a selection of novels, ranging from the classics to science fiction and “pop literature,” said Mary Beth Blackmon, a volunteer with the Text Book Room.
The sale will be today from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Text Book Room is located in the basement of Middleton Library, Room 16.
The entire Friends of the Libraries Book Barn operation will move its location some time during the Spring, and the sale will help reduce inventory and facilitate the move.
All of the books in the Text Book Room are donated by the community or bookstores, and all proceeds go to the LSU Libraries.
Volunteers want students and the community to stop by and see what the sale has to offer. Books range in price from 25 cents to $10 or $15.
“We’ve been here for quite a while, and we still have people come in and say ‘Oh, we didn’t know you were here,’” said Liz Beven, Text Book Room Volunteer. “We enjoy our customers very much, and this is a fun thing to do.”
Kayla Gagnet