Why won’t LSU play ULL in baseball this year?
According to Bill Franquies, the director of the baseball department, University of Louisiana Lafayette does play LSU every year, but the teams will not play this year.
There was a confrontation between the two teams last year, so the two schools thought it would be better if they did not play for one year, Franquies said. The confrontation started when a pitcher from ULL hit one of LSU’s batters.
“We wanted to let things cool down,” said Franquies. The softball team also will not play ULL this year.
How does LSU keep trash off the ground during school hours and special events?
The landscape department contributes to cleaning the campus during the week and also during special events, such as football games. The service department has several employees who clean the grounds for about two hours each day.
“This means about $100,000 is spent in wages,” said Fred Fellner, landscape department assistant director.
There also are more than 250 receptacles on campus, which helps keep litter off the ground.
Inmates from prisons often clean the canal line and ditches.
After football games, about 70 inmates help clean the campus.
Jeff Kershaw, manager of athletic facilities, is in charge of cleaning Tiger Stadium, along with 15 employees whom he oversees and many other campus groups who clean different parts of the stadium.
Campus athletic groups, such as the club soccer and rugby teams help clean the two upper decks, Kershaw said.
“On the Monday after the game, about seven guys of my crew will start blowing the stadium with a power blower, and this will take about three days,” Kershaw said.
Why doesn’t Herget have classes and study groups in the dorm?
According to Dr. Cameroon Thies, Herget Hall faculty coordinator and an assistant professor in political science, Herget never had classes inside the dorm, despite the Residential College’s claims.
The Herget Residential College dorm has a program, which allows freshmen to establish a small community. Students attend classes together and are provided extensive academic opportunities
“There is no physical space to fit classes,” Theis said. “Students come every year and think this rumor is true, but I try my best to stop it.”
The Herget staff no longer establishes study groups because students did not attend, Thies said.
However, there is a box in Herget at the front desk where students can ask for help in specific subjects. A peer mentor tries to establish study groups with those students, Theis said.
Why do college students exercise much more than the overall population?
“People tend the think exercising is a trend, but it really is a way of life,” said Camron Lashney, Rec Center business manager. “Students in college are introduced to fitness, and it has a lot to do with self confidence.”
Lashney stated there are many reasons for college students to work out. Many want to escape from stressful school work and concentrate on themselves.
Exercise for students is an outlet, Lashney said. Students have more time to take advantage of these opportunities.
“Adults who have family and careers usually say that they do not have time to work out, and I think this is mainly why college students tend to exercise more,” Lashney said.
On a typical day, anywhere from 2,000 to 2,500 students exercise at the Rec, and in a week, 2,450 students also spend their time at the gym.
“It is an outlet from day to day,” Lashney said.