Walk down memory lane: Yearbook arrives
Collection boasts improvements
By Jessica Waldon, Contributing Writer
Memories of last year will be reappearing this week as the Gumbo staff distributes the 2001-2002 yearbooks.
The staff will distribute the new yearbooks to full-time students who present an ID Nov. 18 – 20 in the Quad and Nov. 21-22 in CEBA. The books are free to all of last year’s full-time students.
The new yearbooks include several new features.
The first page is a dedication to everyone affected by Sept. 11. The book also features many student pictures, student quotes about events and hot topics, pages highlighting each college and even student-submitted photos.
While last year’s yearbook was in black and white with only a few color pages, the 2001-2002 Gumbo is almost completely filled with bright, brilliant color pages.
Campus events and news are covered in the book and several pages are devoted to Sept. 11, the war on terror and other national and international news and events.