Fraternities and sororities of the National Pan-Hellenic Council of Greek affairs sponsor weeklong programs that provide services for the campus and Baton Rouge African-American community.
“One of the purposes for fraternities and sororities to dedicate specific weeks is for education on campus and also for new members,” said Gregory Brown, NPHC adviser.
Last week, Omega Psi Phi sponsored daily events geared toward safe sex, exercise and several other community service programs.
Career Services held an Omega Psi Phi post-college seminar Monday.
The fraternity invited the campus community to join the winners from Miss Omega 2002, a scholarship award, for lunch Friday in the Magnolia Room.
Several members of the fraternity also volunteered for Habitat for Humanity.
Earlier in the semester Phi Beta Sigma and Zeta Phi Beta sponsored a blue and white week, Brown said.
Victor Felts, director of Greek affairs, said the NPHC organizations devote weeks to service because they have more community service programs than other fraternities and sororities.
“In early November, Alpha Phi Alpha had a week in which members devoted their week to giving back to the community,” said Oren Ruth, a chemical engineering junior and president of Alpha Phi Alpha.
During the week, Alpha Phi Alpha held a scholarship pageant for African-American women in college who could go to different levels to receive scholarship awards. There were undergraduate, district, regional and national levels.
“We have these weeks for educational purposes as well as letting people know what we do,” Ruth said. “Students and others can find out how we were founded and what the organization is about. In addition, it is a great way to recruit new members.”
Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity also has dedicated days where it informed young African-American males about safe sex and diseases.
Not many people know what the African-American fraternities do during the year, so these events provide a way they can find out about some of the programs, Ruth said.
According to Ruth, Alpha Phi Alpha will be going to Capitol High School on Dec. 6 to perform a step show. Members will speak about the importance of African Americans attending college and achieving success.