‘Herbal ephedra’ a dangerous drug
Men and women of LSU need to get a clue about “herbal ephedra.”
The first point: Treat the problem with the correct medicine. Ephedra was originally prescribed for asthma. If doctors no longer will prescribe this drug for such a serious condition, why would it be safe to use for something less serious like minor weight loss or for pep in the mornings? My solution to these problems: Rec center and strong coffee.
My second: Negative effects are taking hold under the surface. I exercise and eat well. I consider myself healthy. Two years ago I began using ephedrine. After six months, in the middle of having my heart rate checked, my trainer noticed my heart was skipping beats, though I felt great. I went to the doctor. He found a heart murmur, and my cholesterol was quite high. His only conclusion was the ephedra increasing my heart rate. Even though I was in “great condition,” I was blind to the drug’s destruction beneath. He urged me to stop taking the drug immediately for fear of a heart attack. I am not alone.
My last point: Ms. Freedman, do you know why you blacked out? You blacked out because you poisoned yourself. Your body took over and shut itself down. I challenge you to stop taking ephedra if only for a month or so, and try maintaining your weight in a healthy way, through exercise and eating well. I also urge all ephedra users to have your heart rates checked by a nurse or physician. If you are in good health and have no side effects, then I’ll gladly admit my wrong.
Being able to eat whatever you want, whenever you want, is NOT normal, but you can be healthy and eat good foods. I am not in any way trying to deride your way of life or to say that I am better. I have been there and have faced the dark side of this drug. I am begging you and all those who use ephedra products to question it and to take care of your body inside AND out.
Emily Clancy
Senior — Landscape Architecture
Women, men deserve equal rights
As an American Muslim, the case of Amina Lawal, a woman who has been sentenced to death for adultery in Nigeria, has been bothering me. What has been bothering me is although she is facing the death penalty alone, she surely did not commit adultery alone.
Where is the man? Yes, I realize there have to be four witnesses in Islamic law to convict for adultery, but this goes for the woman as well. Certainly there can be genetic testing done to confirm who the father of her child is, a test which can be done four times so we have our four witnesses. Otherwise I feel the birth of her child should be declared a miracle, as it apparently has no father, and Lawal should be released.
Edward Ott
Baton Rouge, La.
Reasons against Iraq war flawed
On my way to the Union this past Wednesday afternoon, I came across a couple of students protesting the “War on Iraq.” After reading their signs and listening to them, I thought they had to have been on an island somewhere out in nowhereville after the Gulf War and come home a decade later to find another sticky situation with Iraq. I have to say I thought the sun must have gotten to them just a little because their so-called “facts” were based on tabloid-like material. I know this is America and they have their free speech rights, but now let me exercise my rights to tell you why we should go to war if it comes to that.
First, Saddam Hussein believes his regime revolves around chemical and biological weapons. Look at the Iraq and Iran war. The chemical weapons used destroyed the Iranians. He also believes the reason we didn’t overthrow him in 1991 was his unique brand of warfare.
Secondly, just last week the United Nations passed a new resolution that basically says if you don’t comply, you will be dealt with. Iraq then tells us it’s DEBATING it. It’s funny because Iraq never debated anything. Saddam continues to play the cat and mouse game of accepting resolution after resolution and breaking them.
All his fun and games will come to an end with this resolution. I think he will not get past Dec. 8. He has until then to come up with an inventory of weapons of mass destruction he has assembled. It was reported by CNN that Iraq is gearing up for war by trying to buy one million doses of nerve gas antidote from Turkey. That far outnumbers the number for hospital usages. Dec. 8 is circled in red for Saddam, and he seems to be getting ready. Looks like we could see some fireworks around the Christmas and New Year’s break.
Jeremy Watson
Sophomore — ISDS