Hundreds of aspiring black engineers and black professionals filled the Marriott Hotel as Baton Rouge played host to the National Society of Black Engineers’ fall Regional Conference this weekend.
“NSBE is a student organization from top to bottom,” said Kay Babineaux, NSBE region five public relations chair. “This entire conference has been organized and developed by LSU students.”
Pre-college and college students and professionals came from 10 states to enjoy speakers, seminars, career fairs, science fairs and other activities University students planned.
“Our focus is to increase the number of culturally and socially responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community,” Babineaux said.
The conference offered a variety of academic activities for each group of participants. Pre-college NSBE members participated in a science fair, SAT and ACT preparation courses, an academic and technical quiz bowl and other activities organized to encourage the importance of college.
College students participated in GRE and GMAT workshops with the Princeton Review, a career fair and other events.
Professionals had the opportunity to get tips on how to further their careers at a professional development conference.
To give back to their community, many participants took part in the “Walk for Education.” Volunteers from the conference went door-to-door in the neighborhood surrounding McKinley High School, located just outside LSU’s north gates, to talk to residents and encourage them to pursue college degrees.
“We’re trying to make a personal connection to the people in the community,” Babineaux said.
Participants were not specifically promoting engineering as a college major and a profession, but instead they encouraged the continuation of education.
The conference also allowed participants to network with others.
“You get to meet new people from many different places, go to the career fair and try to find an internship,” said Frederick Gholston, an LSU industrial engineering senior and NSBE region five pre-college initiative chair. “That’s just some of the perks.”
Gholston and others anticipated Saturday night’s Vanguard award show and reception where participants were recognized for their academic and career achievements.
NSBE wrapped up the weekend with a spiritual enrichment service Sunday morning.
The weekend event brought students and professionals together from different places and backgrounds and promoted education and career development to participants and the community.