The Residential Hall Association presidential committee did not impeach President Michael Krom and Vice President Lauren Fontenot, despite last week’s attempts.
Committee members did not discuss the impeachment proceedings during their two-hour meeting Wednesday night.
Krom, however, gave a “state of the RHA” address, similar to the president’s State of the Union address, describing RHA’s present state and challenging the committee to fix its problems.
The association’s president first reminded the committee what its goals are as leaders.
“What we do is we make people’s lives who live [on campus] better, plain and simple,” Krom said. “We provide a good living environment for those who live in the halls or in the apartments.”
Although Krom did not speak extensively about the impeachment, he mentioned it as one of the group’s distractions from achieving its goals.
“What I’ve seen over the last six months or so, since the election, is a rapid decline in those things,” Krom said. “What we are here to do has become so minimal. Other things that shouldn’t even be issues are taking over, like parliamentary procedure, election dates and impeachments. We’re wasting so much time.”
The committee spent most of the meeting discussing its proposed budget and several upcoming events.
At the end of his address, Krom encouraged the committee to forget about the distractions and remember its real duties.
“Once we get past all this other stuff, we can start getting into diversifying our program,” Krom said. “But, we can’t do that if we’re worrying about other things. We just can’t.”
Contact Laura Patz at [email protected]
RHA impeachment attempts fail
By Laura Patz
October 25, 2002