The job search is an intimidating time for many students — filled with excessive worries about a person’s professional qualities and self-promotion.
“I think it’s important to project a good professional appearance at all times,” said Frank Divittorio, a management and pre-law senior. “There is a tighter job market, so you have to make every effort to progress.”
Divittorio attended last week’s Business Etiquette Dinner, the first in a series of seminars aimed at preparing students for their own job searches.
The dinner, held at the Faculty Club for a crowd of more than 100 students, focused on proper attire and tasteful table manners for business interviews held in a restaurant setting.
“[The seminar] gives students an opportunity to get very good information about the job search and ask very pertinent questions of employers,” said Beverly Brooks Major, assistant director of Career Services.
Major said representatives from area businesses sat at student tables to offer advice and answer questions.
The employers have an active interest in students because many of them recruit on campus, Major said.
The Student Leadership Cabinet puts on the dinner and future seminars. It works in conjunction with the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement to promote leadership qualities in students around campus.
Cabinet member Richard Rachal said the Cabinet scheduled seminars this fall to prepare students applying for summer internships in the spring semester.
Rachal said the seminars help students professionally by offering advice about speaking well in front of employers and other things employers commonly take into account when selecting employees.
“The series is geared toward helping students at LSU realize where they want to go and help them get there,” said Cabinet Chair Adria DeLaune.
Director of Career Services Mary Feduccia agreed.
“It is important for students to know how to conduct themselves in interviews, and that requires a lot more than just what you say,” Feduccia said.
The next seminar, held Tuesday night at 6 p.m. in the Union Vieux Carre room, discusses the importance of understanding a person’s own body language and that of others, said Michelle Lowery, the center’s coordinator.
The Nov. 5 seminar will focus on improving students’ interviewing skills through a mock interview held by representatives of Career Services.
The fourth seminar, on Nov. 12, focuses specifically on promoting student organizations to the media. Members from LSU Student Media will be on hand to answer questions.
The remaining seminars will be held in the Union Vieux Carre room at 6 p.m. on the designated nights.
For more information, contact the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement at 578-5160.
Seminars supply job-search help
October 29, 2002

Seminars supply job-search help