“The Real World: Season 11” dishes more bang for your buck.
Previous seasons of MTV’s live-in reality show have gotten racy, but nothing quite like this. This season’s Las Vegas cast didn’t waste any time getting to know one another before letting the sparks fly. Due in large part to Louisiana-native Trishelle and the divorced Texan, Steven, the Vegas cast has earned a reputation as the wildest installment of the series thus far. After seven episodes in Sin City, Season 11 makes other Real World casts look like “The Waltons.” Just when “The Real World” idea looked like it lost some steam, this season has made Tuesday-night MTV a can’t-miss again.
From day one, the Vegas cast has shown a disregard for social norms that ordinarily govern MTV’s seven strangers. As residents of the penthouse of the Palms Hotel, the Season 11 crew got down to business right away. During the first episode, nearly everyone in the house had a lustful eye on everyone else. Despite swearing off in-house love, the newly-separated cheeseball Steven set his sights on resident skank Trishelle.
“After the first day, I know that I am not hooking up with anybody in the house,” he said, straight-faced, over an all-cast meal. By the middle of the second episode, he and Trishelle were sweating over a home pregnancy test, posing the most romantic of questions, “Is that one line or two?”
Steven and Trishelle may have found true love, or at least consensual sex, but they’ve left a trail of emotional wreckage in their wake. When small-town Frank, who represents traditional American values, got the hots for Trishelle early on, his new buddy Steven gave him advice about how to seal the deal. When Trishelle effectively rejected a yap-yappity Frank that night, Steven made a note-to-self that turned Season 11 into soft-core porn. These developments came as a shock to Frank, who took some offense when Steven and Trishelle nearly begat a baby who could eventually watch his own conception on MTV.
Bisexual Brynn, who set her sights on Trishelle and Steven simultaneously, suffered an emotional breakdown when neither lead panned out. The situation came to an eventful head when someone suggested she swap bedrooms so Steven and Trishelle wouldn’t disturb anyone else. In a fit of jealousy, Brynn lashed out at Steven who countered with a verbal assault. When the dust settled, Steven insisted on Brynn’s eviction because she launched a fork at him which “could’ve put his eye out.”
After a teary-eyed apology from Brynn, Steven eventually relented, leaving the cast intact for future cat fights and pregnancy tests. In the season’s latest developments, Trishelle has revealed herself as one of the dumbest, sleaziest girls ever on MTV. Roommates Arissa and Irulan are developing rifts with Marc, the sketchy creep who supervises the cast while they work as promoters at The Palms’ adjoining night club, Rain.
The next episode will focus on Navy-brat Alton whose last rendezvous with his ex-girlfriend resulted in, yup, an unresolved pregnancy test. Stay tuned to find out if the penthouse suite will be adding a nursery.
Contact Grant Widmer at [email protected]
Racy ‘Real World’ reality satisfies MTV viewers
By Grant Widmer
October 25, 2002