Last Thursday, after police pulled LSU student Carrie Lynn Yoder’s body from Whiskey Bay, things changed for this community.
Yoder, whose death recently was linked to the Baton Rouge serial killer, was the first victim murdered in Baton Rouge while school was in session.
Yoder’s home is within sight of the edge of campus, and now the serial killer isn’t something we’ve seen on the news; he is someone who’s shared space with us.
Regardless of how we should have reacted in the past to the other four murders, and to that of LSU student Christine Moore, now united vigilance is the only way to live safely in Baton Rouge.
Neighbors must group together and watch out for each other, either as organized groups or just informal, concerned citizens. Students should avoid being alone on campus. We must utilize the things police and other officials have put in place to keep us safe and ask for the things that will make us feel more comfortable in these trying times.
This is why The Reveille staff undertook this special edition devoted to campus safety and the community’s reactions to the serial killer.
Hopefully, this edition will foster solidarity among students and reassure many of you that, no, you are not alone in your fears, and yes, officials are there to listen to you.
In addition, The Reveille will host a town hall-style meeting next Wednesday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Union International Room for LSU community members to answer questions, express their feelings and unite in the face of this tragedy. Chancellor Mark Emmert and LSUPD Capt. Ricky Adams will attend to hear your questions and concerns. Our staff invites all students to come and bring friends.
In addition, Reveille staffers and representatives from University Relations will be in Free Speech Alley today to give out keychains, brochures and cell phone stickers that include important phone numbers. We encourage you to come speak with us about our coverage of the serial killer and any concerns you have that you feel aren’t being addressed elsewhere.
As our community faces the rocky days before it, we want to remind you that community, united in awareness of the serial killer, is less likely to remain his victim.
Staff Editorial:
The Reveille
editors publish opinions in the form of staff
editorials twice monthly or as the staff sees fit. Contact us at opinion@
Residents must stand united to survive
March 20, 2003