Two University students are coordinating a student rally against the serial killer.
The rally will be held in Free Speech Alley Thursday at 1 p.m.
Nancy, one of the coordinators who did not want her last name printed, said they wanted to put on the rally to show students care.
“We went to a rally downtown and one of the questions that members of the victims families asked was, ‘Where are the students?'” Nancy said. “So, we want to bring the students.”
University officials, Citizens Against the Serial Killer members and Rep. Yvonne Dorsey-Welch, D-East Baton Rouge Parish, will speak with students about how they can help the serial killer investigation.
Nancy said their goal is to get as many students out as possible and give them information about the person-of-interest sketch. In addition, students can get safety tips and information about decreasing the likelihood of becoming a victim.
The Multi-Agency Homicide Task Force also will be on campus from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m in the parking lot behind the Union to gather and give information to students. They also will have copies of the serial killer profile.
Rally organized to get students involved
March 27, 2003