Seventeen high-ranking federal, state and local law enforcement and government officials stood together as Baton Rouge Police Chief Pat Englade announced LSU graduate student Carrie Yoder is the fifth serial killer victim.
Englade said Yoder was linked to the other four serial killer victims — Gina Wilson Green, Charlotte Murray Pace, Pam Kinamore and Trineisha Dene Colomb–through DNA evidence.
Yoder, 26, was reported missing March 5. Police found Yoder’s body March 13 in Whiskey Bay in the same vicinity in which police found Kinamore’s body July 16.
Gov. Mike Foster appeared for the first time with the task force and said he will make all resources available to help the task force and get information out to the public. He said he will make use of his press office to disseminate information on a more current basis.
He also said money and personnel would not be a problem when protecting the community.
FBI Special Agent in Charge Ken Kaiser said the FBI has resources committed to the task force on a full-time basis.
He said two senior profilers from the Behavioral Analysis Unit at FBI headquarters and members of the Violent Crime Apprehension Program also are involved in the investigation.
“Though the FBI has a lot of resources committed to the war on terrorism and the looming war with Iraq, we will continue to be fully involved in this case,” Kaiser said.
Mayor-President Bobby Simpson said this investigation is a top priority of the administration, and it is fully committed and involved.
“It is your tips and your involvement that will assist this group,” Simpson said.
Chancellor Mark Emmert also spoke about the University’s commitment to helping the task force.
“We, of course, are not in law enforcement, we are in the education business,” Emmert said. “We are asking all those involved in the University community and the private community to provide the task force and all law enforcement with the eyes and ears of this investigation.”
Emmert advised faculty, staff and students to exercise appropriate caution in personal safety.
Baton Rouge Police Department Cpl. Mary Ann Godawa, spokeswoman for the task force, encouraged everyone to take a self-defense course. She also stressed the importance of exercising caution in every aspect of life.
BRPD will offer a personal protection seminar April 8 at Cando Convention in the Centroplex from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m and from 11 a.m. to noon. Another seminar will be at Star Hill Baptist Church at 1400 N. Foster Drive from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
“Let’s send a message to this offender — no more victims,” Englade said.
Anyone with information concerning the investigation can call the tipline at 1-866-389-3310.