Today – Wednesday, April 23
Go Club at LSUCome learn and play the strategy game Go! (Weiqi/Baduk)4:30-8:30 p.m. 2nd Floor Union next to PJ’s coffeeContact Jack Breaux 334-4547
Lively Arts Committee (UPC)Help select and promote nationally touring Broadway musicals, dance companies, comedy acts and plays4:30 p.m., Orleans Room
Campus Crusade for ChristDr. William Lane Cria, ” The Evidence for Christianity”8 p.m. 103 WilliamsContact Charlie Clary, 769-9543
Pre-Professional Health Organization (PHO)PHO officer elections for next semester! All members are encouraged toattend6 p.m. Acadian Room
D.E.L.T.A WeekDelta Jeopardy, 10:30 a.m. Free Speech Alley”Mislabeling of the Black Race: The Black Relationship” 8 p.m. Royal Cotillion Ballroom
College Republican AllianceGuest speaker, Lt. Governor Candidate Steven Rue8 p.m. Union Acadian roomContact Shawn Hanscom, [email protected]
Tomorrow – Thursday, April 24
Running Club of LSURunning, jogging or walking6 p.m. Laville Patio
College Democrat Elections6:30 p.m. Union Council RoomContact Krystal Williams, 334-4683
BSU re-electionsHeld in the AACC from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. All full-time students may vote with their student ID
Psi Chi/Psychology ClubWeekly meeting4:45 p.m. 104 AudobonContact Janessa Marsh, [email protected]
Green Party meeting5 p.m. Womens Center
XA LiveSponsored by Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship7 p.m. Dodson AuditoriumContact Monica Filgo, 334-3252
Join Lagniappe Tours for a “Deluxe Louisiana Day” at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage FestivalDay trip offering featuring the incomparable Fats Domino! depart Village Square in front of the old Service Merchandise at 9 a.m. return to Baton Rouge around 9 p.m. that night. Cost is $75 for Foundation members and $85 for guests.For information or reservations call 387-2464
ROTARACTJoint breakfast7:15 a.m. Faculty Club
Pi Sigma EpsilonGeneral meeting open to all majors6 p.m. 2162 CEBA
UPC Lively Arts Committee presents SWING!Friday, April 25, 8 p.m.Nominated for six Tony Awards, SWING! is an all-singing, all-dancing evening of entertainment, featuring a mix of new and classic songs and more than 30 tour de force dance numbers — some comic, some romantic, some nostalgic, some sexyTickets: $13-37LSU Union Box Office, 578-5128, open Monday-Friday, 11:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Art ExhibitionFeaturing the art of Srinivas KathojuMarch 14-April 30, 5-8 p.m.Elizabethan Gallery, 680 Jefferson HighwayCall 383-9779 or 924-6437
Delta Sigma Theta SororityTickets for the Delta Ball are available nowSee any member of Delta Sigma Theta to get a ticket April 26 at the Marriot Hotel
TAF Collegiate ClubSpring Crawfish BoilFriday April 25 before the LSU vs. Tenn. baseball game, in front of the PMAC beginning @ 3:30.Enjoy crawfish, jambalaya, and live entertainment!Free for members, $5 for non-membersContact Ben Blanchard, [email protected]
Black History Month student coordiantor and assistant coordinator positionsPick up applications at the AACC. Due Friday, April 25
Practice GRE ExamSponsored by the Black Student Union9 p.m. April 26Space is limited, call today.Contact Jennifer Grace, [email protected] or 334-4204
April 22, 2003