To spare you from stress-relieving tips that you have already heard, here is what some of your fellow students have to say about coping with finals week and the stress that it brings.
Most answers are common, but some are scary. We’ll let you be the judge.
Creating a Craving
“I eat a lot of chocolate. It makes me happy.” — Analie Medero, junior
“I like to shop.” — Raquel Ferrer, junior
“I eat a lot and drink way too much coffee.” — Taylor Gantt, freshman
Rearranging Rest
“I sleep a lot. I don’t stress.” — Martin Spears, sophomore
“A lot of Adderall. Not a lot of sleep.” — Rodney Willis, sophomore
“Not a lot of sleep. I eat a lot, and I get a zit or two.” — Megan Dolhond, sophomore
“I stay up all night.” — Julia Hodges, sophomore
“I study all night long. I maybe get five hours of sleep the whole week. If I can get through finals without a stroke or an aneurysm, I’ll be OK.” — Morgan Hamilton, sophomore
Healthy Habits
“I go workout at the gym. You have to think about the weights so you don’t do it [the workout] wrong. It [working out] takes your mind off of whatever is going on.” — Matt Gremillion, sophomore
“I sit at a coffee shop and sketch.” — Henry Louth, sophomore
“I spend a lot of time at the Catholic Students Center. They have free food there.” — Ray Clement, sophomore
“I go out and take a break. Or I clean up.” — Angelle Guillion, sophomore
“I take more walks.” — Ingrid Rudh, sophomore
Nothing New
“I just do the same stuff I always do because I’m always stressed.” — Stephen Spradley, senior
“I don’t know anything you can do to relieve finals stress. There is nothing you can do about it.” — Ainsrroth Gidden, senior
Professor’s Perspective
“Focus on the fact that stress is not abnormal. In a way, school is ‘serial stress.’ Just know that when [finals are] over, you will feel the relief. You’ve [taken finals] before, you can do it again.” — Hugh Buckingham, professor of linguistics
Good Luck!
To your health
April 30, 2003