Three days in Monroe, La., three days in Biloxi, Ala., with one day in Baton Rouge in between. Welcome to my 2002 Spring Break.
Because the beginning of last year’s Spring Break coincided with Easter weekend, I was forced to break my vacation in two, spending a few days with my family and a few days casino-hopping with friends.
This year’s Spring Break is almost the same. Easter is at the end of the week instead of the beginning, but students torn between going home to family for Easter and taking a vacation for Spring Break can do what I did — both.
When I found out last year’s Spring Break dates, I thought I wasn’t going to be able to take a trip at all. I wanted to go home for Easter, and in fact, my parents wouldn’t have let me get away with spending Easter anywhere but home.
Two of my friends were in the same predicament. We decided to make the most of our time by taking a short trip somewhere near Baton Rouge.
Deciding on Biloxi wasn’t hard. The price was right, thanks to hotel points from my friend’s mom that scored us two free nights. The location was good, only three hours from Baton Rouge and on the beach. There also was plenty of entertainment. It turned out to be too cold to hit the beach, but we visited every casino around the Gulf of Mexico at least once and even worked in a round of putt-putt.
My Spring Break turned out to be the best of both worlds. I spent time with my parents at home and hit the road with friends in what was not quite the traditional Spring Break, but was good enough for me.
This year, I’m stuck in the same dilemma. The first part of the week I plan to be at my friend’s camp “down the bayou.” I may even get in a few hours at work in Baton Rouge during the week, making the most of my holiday by making some money before I head up to Monroe at the end of the week to spend Easter with my family. My Spring Break boasts the best of both worlds.
Mixing revelling, rejoicing
February 20, 2003