Attendance at Iraq forum impressive
I attended the Iraq forum on Wednesday night. All of the speakers brought up interesting points.
However, the most convincing speaker was former U.S. Army Ranger Ward Reilly. He gave a chilling firsthand account of the Vietnam War. He compared the impending war with Iraq with the Vietnam War because of the opposition of some United States residents, soldiers and the residents of the opposing county. His plea for peace was convincing and therefore followed by loud applause.
The attendance of students was very impressive. It was difficult to find a seat in the 1,000-seat auditorium. I was impressed by the passionate and articulate comments made by the concerned student audience. It was reassuring to see the young faces in the audience. The participation exemplified that we are not as self-absorbed and apathetic to the world around us, as we are commonly stereotyped.
Observing people exercising their constitutional rights made me increasingly proud to be an American and an LSU Tiger.
Monique Green
Sophomore — Mass Communication
Sarcastic anti-war letter tiring
I found Caitlin Grabarek’s attempt at sarcasm really tiring. How many times do we have to endure this same old mantra, diplomacy always equals peace and safety. Does diplomacy really result in peace and safety? What do you tell the victims of terrorism when diplomacy does not work? What will Caitlin tell the loved ones of all the people that will be killed by biological warfare?
Since many of the portable biological warfare labs from the old Soviet Union are now in Iraq, I wonder if Caitlin will use diplomacy on small pox or tuberculosis. It is just a matter of time before they use it.
Unlike Caitlin, I am not willing to give up my freedoms and assume a pauper’s role in life just so I do not make terrorists angry. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to be like the leaders in Europe — a bunch of pompous buffoons that always take the easy way out. Just don’t make waves and nothing will happen. I wonder why, if Caitlin thinks giving in and not making waves is the best way, then why all the protest against the war? Just ignore it and it will go away.
Maybe Caitlin was on to something. If driving an SUV makes you a terrorist, I cannot think of a better way to get back at old bin Laden. We could send our SUV driving terrorists to Iraq. I guess this would work only if you consider bin Laden a victim and people who drive cars terrorists.
Harold Daigle
Graduate Student — Biological Science
Student searching for lost landmarks
I’m not writing to ask serious questions or make bold stances on issues about gun control, abortion or whether or not we should go to war with Iraq. I’m writing to find out where a few landmarks on campus have gone or why they aren’t gone.
The first of my questions, which is of least importance, is where do the sculptures that line the around the Design Building go after they are done with them? Many, I think, are very well done and I hope they aren’t destroyed.
The second question is when is that fence that appeared during the construction of the physics building on Tower Drive going to disappear? It is an inconvenience, but I find it rather comical that they haven’t removed it.
Finally, and if you don’t have the answers to any of the questions thus far, this is the question I need answered. Where did the two oak trees planted on the Parade Ground across from the Law Library go? They were planted last semester sometime and within a few months disappeared without any notice.
While the world waits with bitter anxiety and horror over the events soon to come, I think it is clear to see that we ourselves have our own, more serious problems to be dealing with here on the homefront.
John Guste
Junior — Biology
Letters to the Editor
February 21, 2003