Reality outside, not on your television
Reality TV has been blown out of proportion. What is so real about some guy picking the love of his life from 50 beautiful girls?
A few of my close friends have been drawn into the reality TV craze, but they don’t like to admit they watch the shows to people outside the “circle.”
Supposedly the shows hook you in. They get into your brain and make you think that you really care about what happens.
Then you find yourself becoming obsessed and watching anxiously to know “who gets picked.”
Luckily, I have been able to hold strong and keep the T. off. Despite the irony of the name, there are just too many “reality” shows out there.
Walking with my friend to class, I get a headache trying to keep the “Joe Schmoe” from the “Joe Millionaire.” I just don’t understand how people can waste so much time watching these shows. If they’re so interested in reality, maybe they shuld turn off the TV and try the reality outside
their living room. There’s nothing more real than fresh air and human interaction.
Lauren Temento
mass communication
The best Cuffist since … well … me
I’m writing to the editor, or whoever it was who decided to give a young Ignatius Reilly my old job at Off The Cuff–who decided to turn the hallowed reins of my column over to a psychopathic, stalking, depraved loon with glandular problems and no sense of timing. To the fool (or fools) responsible for demolishing any concept of good taste and decency on page 3, I say this:
Damn, you guys found a hilarious writer.
It isn’t easy to admit that you’re old and obsolete (I’m both), and it’s even harder to admit that you’ve been replaced by a superior genius. My hat is off to Jay Melder: the best 350-pounds (plus) of comedy I’ve ever gotten off the Internet for free. Yes, some may be offended by his greatness. There will be a bitter few who, amazed by the girth and gravity of his pen, recoil in horror. Actually, this included me. But for those fearless enough to soldier on, I see something bold and grand rising on the horizon… like a giant, pale, cottage-cheese moon lumbering into a celestial station wagon. Friends and brothers, prepare yourselves: he looks tipsy, and he’s headed right for us.
And he’s funny.
Damian Tatum
former Off The Cuff writer
Letters to the Editor
November 7, 2003