Doré exemplifies what Jindal is not
I would like to comment on the assanine column written by Jason Dore’.
First, let me start off by saying that I am not a Democrat nor am I a Republican. I am in fact an Independent.
However, Dore’s article on the GOP is exactly what’s wrong with the party system today. Instead of trying to broaden their horizons and fixing the disagreements between each other, those parties are constantly bickering over miniscule issues.
This is the reason for so many new voters choosing to be registered as an independent rather than join one of the two major political parties.
His article compares the so called “economy turn-around” of today with the one associated with the Reagan administration. Saying that the economy is turning around today is un-true and just plain stupidity.
Another idiotic comment, is that Bobby Jindal, an Indian-American, is a “true” Republican. If you ask anyone in America, “To Describe a True Republican?” I can guarantee that they will not describe a person whose parents are not from America and not a typical rooted Southern redneck. If you are wondering if I am bashing Mr. Jindal the answer is an emphatic … NO! In fact, I am helping with the Jindal campaign for Governor. Not because he is running as a Republican but because he stands for exactly what Mr. Dore’ does not!!
Mr. Jindal stands for change.
He stands for the joining of all voters not the seperating of parties.
Mr. Jindal wants a better Louisiana for all people: black, white, indian, hispanic, asian, republican, democrat, independent, environmentalist, man, woman, etc.
I just think it’s funny that someone who is so self-disclosed and simple minded that he also would support a great candidate like Mr. Bobby Jindal.
That just goes to show the Mr. Jindal’s idea of uniting voters is WORKING and Mr. Dore’s asinine statement of one party, one power is NOT!!!!
Cody Juneau
general studies
Letter to the Editor
November 6, 2003